Congratulations on making it to the third trimester of pregnancy!

It won’t be long until you get to meet your little one, and reality is probably setting in that your world is about to be turned upside down in the most incredible way.

You may be feeling mixed emotions – excitement, nervousness, overwhelmed – it’s totally normal to feel this way.

The third trimester of pregnancy usually begins around week 28 and will last until you give birth. During this time, your baby will continue to grow and should move into position in preparation for labour. Sometimes though, they don’t get into the right position until the last minute, so don’t worry.

Symptoms in the third trimester of pregnancy

Braxton Hicks contractions

Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as false labour, are your body’s way of practising for the main event. They don’t usually hurt but can be a little uncomfortable as your uterus tightens and then relaxes again. Braxton Hicks contractions tend to only last for 15-30 seconds. If your contractions start to hurt or begin to happen at regular intervals, it may be a sign that you’re in labour, so contact your midwife immediately.

third trimester pregnancy


It’s common to experience nosebleeds during pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester when your hormones change. If this happens to you, sit or stand up and pinch your nose just above your nostrils for 10-15 minutes.

H3 Heartburn/indigestion

During the third trimester, your uterus pushes your stomach up, which can cause a burning sensation in your chest and throat. If it’s causing discomfort, speak to your doctor or midwife about remedies that are safe to take during pregnancy.

H3 Back ache

Your growing baby is putting a lot of pressure on your lower back, which can be very painful and make it hard to sleep. The pain is often worse towards the end of the day or after a long period of being on your feet. Putting a pillow between your legs when you go to bed at night can help reduce the pain.  

H3 Swollen feet/ankles

Swelling of the feet and/or ankles is common in the latter stages of pregnancy. It’s caused by your body holding more water than usual. Try to avoid standing too much and wearing tight shoes. If the swelling comes on suddenly, this could be a sign of pre-eclampsia, so contact your doctor or midwife as soon as possible.

H2 Common side effects of the third trimester

H3 Difficulty sleeping

Let’s continue our exploration of the third trimester of pregnancy and… some common side effects.

Too hot, heartburn, restless legs, your baby moving – it’s not surprising that sleep can be hard to come by in the third trimester.

By this time, it’s advised that you sleep on your side as it’s safer for your baby, but your bump can make it hard to find a comfortable position for sleeping, plus it makes it almost impossible to roll over.

Needing to wee more

Thanks to your growing baby putting pressure on your bladder, you can lose count of the number of times you need to go to the toilet, especially at night when you’re trying to get some much-needed sleep.

No sooner have you flushed and washed your hands than you find yourself needing to go again. It can be tempting to reduce the amount of fluid you take in, but it’s important to keep hydrated.


third trimester pregnancy


Your body is working super-hard at the moment, so it’s common to feel more tired than normal. Listen to your body and don’t overdo it. Enjoy as much rest as you can as you won’t get much of a chance once baby arrives.

Mood swings

Your hormones change throughout your pregnancy.

Add to that the fatigue and difficulty sleeping, as well as the nerves and anxiety about your imminent arrival, and it’s understandable why your mood may be up and down during the final months. If you’re feeling particularly low, talk to your doctor or midwife.

To-do list for the third trimester of pregnancy

Get working on those pelvic floor muscles

As your baby grows, it puts more and more pressure on your pelvic floor muscles, weakening them.

It’s recommended that you start doing pelvic floor exercises when you first find out that you’re pregnant. However, it’s especially important to keep it up during the third trimester.

See your midwife regularly

Your midwife will want to see you more regularly during your third trimester.

This is to check that you and your baby are both healthy. They’ll listen to the baby’s heartbeat and check its measurements. They’ll also check your blood pressure and ask you to take a urine test to check for signs of conditions such as pre-eclampsia. It’s important to attend all your antenatal appointments and discuss anything that may be worrying you.

Create your birth plan

It’s your labour, so it’s important that you plan for the birth you want – even if it doesn’t go totally the way you intend.

There are lots of different options to consider on your birth plan – like where you’d like to give birth, what pain relief you’d like and who will cut the umbilical cord – and your midwife should discuss these options with you.

Batch cook

It may not be high on your list of priorities right now, but preparing some delicious, nutritious meals ready for when baby’s here and you’re just too tired to cook, could turn out to be the best thing you ever did.  So, make some space in the freezer and get cooking. You’ll thank yourself later.

Buy the essentials

You may have already stocked up on everything you need for your little one’s arrival. But if not, now’s the time to ensure you’re prepared, as you don’t want to leave it until the last minute, just in case your baby arrives ahead of schedule. Check out our shopping guide to newborn essentials.

Pack your hospital bag

It’s a good idea to pack your hospital bag about three weeks before your due date and keep it by the front door, ready for that dash to the hospital. You’ll need to pack for you and your baby with the essential items you’ll need while you’re in hospital. Your partner will also need to pack an overnight bag if they plan on staying.

Above all, get as much rest as you can and enjoy the last few months of being pregnant. Because, as much as you might not enjoy the symptoms and side effects, it’s an amazing experience.

Paula Veverka is a specialist Maternity, Newborn and Baby photographer based in Blantyre, Glasgow.

Discover our Newborn Photoshoots at

From nursery to preparing for the first few days at home, there’s a lot to think about as you get ready for your baby’s arrival!

As you start writing down your list of must-haves for your brand new, tiny baby you’ll probably feel a little overwhelmed… after all, babies need an awful lot of gear!

To help you, we have broken it down for you and created a list of 5 must-haves for new babies that will help you keep your little one happy and comfy during those incredible first few weeks.

From nappies to onesies, these are the key items newborn babies need!

must-haves for babies


In the guide “Helping Your Baby To Sleep”, NHS recommends that your baby sleeps in your room for the first six months and many parents choose not to use a full-sized cot.

However, after that, you might want to get baby used to sleeping into a cot, so the best thing is to buy one ahead of time, complete of mattress, and have it ready for baby.

SnüzPod by Snuz is only one example of a bedside cot designed to be positioned right by your bed with the side down, keeping your little one at arm’s length which – you will soon find out – is essential for night feeds.

Newborn babies need a very firm mattress, but this changes as they grow up, so you might want to consider a mattress that is firm on one side and medium on the other, like The Little Green Sheep Twist Natural Cot Bed Mattress (available at Amazon).

The core of this mattress is constructed from coconut fibres blended with natural latex that act like ‘thousands of tiny springs’ – with one firm side that will support tiny babies and the other side recommended from around 12 months on.

This composition makes The Little Green Sheep also good for allergy sufferers and breathable.

Of course, we could not discuss cots and mattresses without talking about bedding and trust me, you will be changing sheets a lot in the early days!

Consider buying about four or five fitted cot sheets and a couple of washable cot mattress pads, with a few blankets that can be layered depending on how cold it is. Wearable blankets are a great alternative to traditional blankets, as well as cellular blankets – that allow air to circulate and are perfect for regulating a baby’s temperature.

must-haves for babies

The pressure to be omnipresent as a parent is great, but the comfort of being able to get a quick glance of your newborn is comfort you can’t put a price on – which is why a baby monitor is a must-have for your peace of mind!

“5 Must-haves for New Babies”


Newborns usually start with 4-ounce baby bottles with slow-flow teats but be prepared to try a few different brands to figure out baby’s favourite one. You will also need at least as many nipples as bottles, and some 8-ounce bottles you can use as baby begins to drink more.

When it comes to bottles and pacifiers, germs are an unwelcome guest, and while bottle brushes are a must-have, some parents like the additional level of sterilisation offered by a steriliser.

Brushes are handy for scrubbing small parts and crevices in bottles, bottle parts, and nipples, while when it comes to the steriliser you might want to look for a UV model, that uses LED lights instead of water or tablets.


The pressure to be omnipresent as a parent is great, but the comfort of being able to get a quick glance at your newborn is a comfort you can’t put a price on – which is why a baby monitor is a must-have for your peace of mind!

Of course, not all baby monitors are created equal, you can choose a basic audio model or a more expensive video monitor: while the latter may seem a luxury you don’t need right now, when baby arrives you will probably love the idea of being able to see baby even when outside their room.


Ready for No 4 in our list of must-haves for new babies?

Let’s face it; nappies are going to be a part of your shopping list for multiple years and, whether you use cloth or disposable, you will probably go through 10 or more nappies a day, so make sure to stock up!

If you use disposable, you might want to begin by buying small packs of a few different brands and kinds, to figure out the perfect fit and avoid stocking up on a type that irritates your baby’s delicate skin.

Once you have the right brand and type figured out, you will be able to find big packs at a much more convenient price.

You’ll also want to have a good nappy rash cream always available, either to prevent nappy rash or to handle them when they occur.

And of course, wipes – and plenty of them!!

These can be made of polyester, cotton, rayon, or other fibres and trust me and it is a good idea to consider unscented ones. And most of all, remember you will probably need more than you know what to do with!

A good nappy bag can also be a lifesaver on the go and act as a catchall for all the devices and tools you need for keeping up with your baby’s needs.

Bottles, changing station, extra onesies, the choices are endless, but if you don’t have the right nappy bag, then it’s all staying at home without you!


Fewer things are more important on this list than a safe car seat.

In fact, you won’t even be able to take your new baby home without one.

Most families start from a convertible rear-facing car seat, as these are portable and can blip into a stroller base. You might choose to opt for a convertible car seat instead and do some future proof as this will adapt do your growing baby.

Something like the Graco 4 in 1 car seat is perfect as it can last well into your child’s booster seat years.

While your baby is still a newborn, they are going to be small enough where carrying them is the easiest option.

A soft sling is the best choice for toting your baby around earlier on and will prove much easier than a hard pram.

Paula Veverka Newborn Photoshoots

Most monitors these link to your phone and use it as a viewing unit via an app, and some (like Owlet Smart Sock V3) allow you to monitor information such as heart rate and oxygen levels.

Philips Avent Microwave Steam Sterilizer (available at Amazon) allows you to use your microwave and it claims to generate enough germ-killing steam to blitz 99.9 percent of germs and bacteria in less than 2 minutes.


You won’t struggle to find resources to help you add more items to your list of must-haves for babies, starting from the NHS website, which/ offers plenty of guidance on preparing for your brand new baby.

Paula Veverka is a specialist Maternity, Newborn and Baby photographer based in Blantyre, Glasgow.

Thinking about a newborn photoshoot? Discover more at

If you are thinking about a photoshoot for your brand-new baby, chances are you have already heard (and read) a lot about Newborn Sessions, but there is a lot more your baby photographer can do to capture all your baby’s first year milestones!

And let’s not forget your pregnancy.

Every journey to motherhood is unique and deserves to be documented and captured with more than a few unflattering phone snaps.


My studio, located in Blantyre, Glasgow, specialises in newborn, baby, and pregnancy photography – with bundle offers if you are looking for a Bump to Baby package.

But… time for some real talk.

From the moment you are told you are going to become a mother, you can’t wait to hold your tiny little newborn and will literally wish those 36-ish weeks away.

But as weeks go by, some days you’ll find yourself thinking “no way I am going to miss this bump!” as you try every known remedy for aching back and heartburn (not to mention the sleepless nights).

In those days, despite everyone around you talking about your “glow,” the last thing you will be thinking about will be… getting into a studio to be photographed.

But give it time, and as you watch your little one taking their first steps, I promise you’ll find yourself missing that bump!

And that’s when you’ll look back at your pregnancy photoshoot images and think “I am so glad I did it”.

Having a specialist photographer work with you to create your maternity gallery guarantees they will not only choose the most flattering light, angles, and editing techniques but they will also know how to create the right atmosphere for you to feel at home and relax.

I normally recommend having your pregnancy photoshoot done between 28 and 34 weeks of pregnancy, as this gives us the perfect opportunity to capture your nice round bump while you are still comfortable moving around.


In an ideal world, your baby would come into the studio during their first couple of weeks as it’s when newborns are at their most sleepy and curl easily into all those lovely positions that you see.

For this reason, an ideal time to get booked in the diary would be after your twenty-week scan. That lets me get a floating date in the diary for you, as you won’t know your exact date (unless you are booked in for a C-section), and even then, that can change.

But if for any reason you can’t make it during those first weeks, remember babies can still have beautiful newborn portraits many weeks after being born.

All newborn photoshoots at Paula Veverka Photography (Blantyre, Glasgow) are custom styled and baby-led, so the entire session revolves around baby’s needs: from feeding to choosing the best poses and props, we will adapt the workflow to your beautiful tiny one.

To ensure everything is ready for you, as your photoshoot day draws closer, we will have a chat about what colours you would like to include in your shoot, so I can choose the right backgrounds and matching props and outfits.

You can expect your photoshoot to last between 2 and 3 hours, and the studio will be warm and cozy, ready to welcome you and your family: don’t forget that the session can focus on baby only or include siblings and parents at no extra cost.


One first year milestone that makes it for some beautiful photographs is when baby start sitting up unaided: as they become able to sit up, their perspective changes and so does how they interact with the world.

A photoshoot around this stage can capture all the cute expressions, baby’s interaction with mum and dad and all the giggles!


Anything better than fun, cake, and photographs for celebrating a first year?

Cake Smash and Splash photoshoots are birthday themed sessions, perfect for capturing giggles, funny expressions, and your baby’s growing personality.

And there is more because Cake Smashes are sort of a 3-in-1 session:

  • We begin the photoshoot with some simple portraits to create timeless portraits of your little one.
  • The second part of your Cake Smash & Splash is all about… cake, when we give baby space and time to baby for dive in and focus on capturing all the funny expressions.
  • The session will end with a nice and relaxing bath in a miniature tub… splash!


If you want something truly special, get in touch to discuss Watch Me Grow options to book all first year photoshoots at a discounted price!

Paula Veverka is a specialist Maternity, Newborn and Baby photographer based in Blantyre, Glasgow.

Thinking about a newborn photoshoot? Discover more at

Baby turning one soon? Cake Smash and Splash photoshoots are perfect to celebrate this milestone! Discover more at