If you are thinking about a photoshoot for your brand-new baby, chances are you have already heard (and read) a lot about Newborn Sessions, but there is a lot more your baby photographer can do to capture all your baby’s first year milestones!

And let’s not forget your pregnancy.

Every journey to motherhood is unique and deserves to be documented and captured with more than a few unflattering phone snaps.


My studio, located in Blantyre, Glasgow, specialises in newborn, baby, and pregnancy photography – with bundle offers if you are looking for a Bump to Baby package.

But… time for some real talk.

From the moment you are told you are going to become a mother, you can’t wait to hold your tiny little newborn and will literally wish those 36-ish weeks away.

But as weeks go by, some days you’ll find yourself thinking “no way I am going to miss this bump!” as you try every known remedy for aching back and heartburn (not to mention the sleepless nights).

In those days, despite everyone around you talking about your “glow,” the last thing you will be thinking about will be… getting into a studio to be photographed.

But give it time, and as you watch your little one taking their first steps, I promise you’ll find yourself missing that bump!

And that’s when you’ll look back at your pregnancy photoshoot images and think “I am so glad I did it”.

Having a specialist photographer work with you to create your maternity gallery guarantees they will not only choose the most flattering light, angles, and editing techniques but they will also know how to create the right atmosphere for you to feel at home and relax.

I normally recommend having your pregnancy photoshoot done between 28 and 34 weeks of pregnancy, as this gives us the perfect opportunity to capture your nice round bump while you are still comfortable moving around.


In an ideal world, your baby would come into the studio during their first couple of weeks as it’s when newborns are at their most sleepy and curl easily into all those lovely positions that you see.

For this reason, an ideal time to get booked in the diary would be after your twenty-week scan. That lets me get a floating date in the diary for you, as you won’t know your exact date (unless you are booked in for a C-section), and even then, that can change.

But if for any reason you can’t make it during those first weeks, remember babies can still have beautiful newborn portraits many weeks after being born.

All newborn photoshoots at Paula Veverka Photography (Blantyre, Glasgow) are custom styled and baby-led, so the entire session revolves around baby’s needs: from feeding to choosing the best poses and props, we will adapt the workflow to your beautiful tiny one.

To ensure everything is ready for you, as your photoshoot day draws closer, we will have a chat about what colours you would like to include in your shoot, so I can choose the right backgrounds and matching props and outfits.

You can expect your photoshoot to last between 2 and 3 hours, and the studio will be warm and cozy, ready to welcome you and your family: don’t forget that the session can focus on baby only or include siblings and parents at no extra cost.


One first year milestone that makes it for some beautiful photographs is when baby start sitting up unaided: as they become able to sit up, their perspective changes and so does how they interact with the world.

A photoshoot around this stage can capture all the cute expressions, baby’s interaction with mum and dad and all the giggles!


Anything better than fun, cake, and photographs for celebrating a first year?

Cake Smash and Splash photoshoots are birthday themed sessions, perfect for capturing giggles, funny expressions, and your baby’s growing personality.

And there is more because Cake Smashes are sort of a 3-in-1 session:

  • We begin the photoshoot with some simple portraits to create timeless portraits of your little one.
  • The second part of your Cake Smash & Splash is all about… cake, when we give baby space and time to baby for dive in and focus on capturing all the funny expressions.
  • The session will end with a nice and relaxing bath in a miniature tub… splash!


If you want something truly special, get in touch to discuss Watch Me Grow options to book all first year photoshoots at a discounted price!

Paula Veverka is a specialist Maternity, Newborn and Baby photographer based in Blantyre, Glasgow.

Thinking about a newborn photoshoot? Discover more at www.paulaveverka.co.uk/newborn-photographer

Baby turning one soon? Cake Smash and Splash photoshoots are perfect to celebrate this milestone! Discover more at www.facebook.com/paulaveverkaphotography

Bump To Baby Package

Maternity and Newborn Photoshoot in Lanarkshire Glasgow

Every mother deserves a maternity photoshoot – the opportunity to be showered with love, attention and feel their absolute best is reason enough to get some all-important photos taken!

A maternity shoot can be a wonderful way to celebrate your body and everything that it’s gone through in bringing your baby into the world. It’s also a great way to give your child a glimpse of what the world looked like before their arrival – they’ll be able to see how excited you were to meet them!

Maternity photos work best in the later stages of pregnancy so that we’re able to photograph your bump at its most beautiful stage – you’ll love being able to see just how much you grew during those 9 months.

But if you do have quite a good bump earlier in your pregnancy, this is also perfect. You do not want to wait until it’s too late and you are feeling really uncomfortable, and it’s challenging to move around.

5 Reasons To have A Bump To Baby Photo-Shoot

Celebrate your Pregnancy

Your pregnancy is one of the best reasons to get a maternity shoot.  No matter whether you’ve sailed through pregnancy or suffered from morning sickness for 6 months, pregnancy is going to bring your child into your life, and that is worth celebrating. You’ll love being able to look back and appreciate the strength of your body in carrying your baby for 9 months!

And you may decide that this will be your only child, so recording that journey becomes even more important.

An Excuse To Get Dressed Up

No matter whether you’ve sailed through pregnancy or suffered from morning sickness for 6 months, pregnancy is going to bring your child into your life, and that is worth celebrating. You’ll love being able to look back and appreciate the strength of your body in carrying your baby for 9 months!

And you may decide that this will be your only child, so recording that journey becomes even more important.

An opportunity To Have Photographs With Your Family

A maternity photoshoot is a beautiful opportunity to bond with your partner over the life you’ve created. Often, before we know it, 9 months have passed, and we’ve barely had the time to bond over the baby that’s about to arrive in our lives. Booking a photoshoot will allow you to have time together, creating memories for your little one to look back on.  And what better way to show a brother or sister how much they are involved in the life of their new sibling.  Creating beautiful images that show your children how exciting this time is and giving them another chance to bond with their new little brother or sister before they arrive.

Memories To Look Back On

Despite being such an important time in your life, it’s easy for the memories of pregnancy to begin to fade. Having photos of your pregnancy will give you a reminder of your incredible body and just how big your belly was! Not to mention, your child will love looking back on the fact that, once, they lived in your tummy.

Unless you have been really sick throughout your whole pregnancy and can’t wait for that part to be over, you may find, like me, that you really miss your bump.
I loved having my daughter with me everywhere I went, safely protected inside my belly. And I knew that when the time came to give birth, I would miss my bump and chatting to her everywhere I went. I especially used to love it when I photographed weddings and would think of her being with me as I was in the church or chapel; it’s those little moments that you remember and treasure.

An Opportunity To Visit The Studio And Get To Know Me

If you decide to go for the bump to baby package at your maternity photoshoot with me, you’ll have the opportunity to visit the studio.
And if your thinking of bringing your newborn baby into the studio, this is a great way to make sure that you feel comfortable bringing your little bundle into a new environment.
One that follows health and safety guidelines and offers your new baby the ultimate comfortable setting for their first professional photographs.

The bump to baby package’s final milestone is a sitter session, which is best around the 6-8 month mark. This is a great age when your little one is sitting up unaided, can possibly crawl but is hopefully not walking!

And it’s such a great time to capture all those smiles and giggles that are starting to appear.

If you would like to chat about having a bump to baby photoshoot of your own, get in touch – I can’t wait to meet you!

When I’m photographing in the studio, I use a white noise machine called a Baby Shusher, which is small and easy to move around with the baby. I would say that it’s brilliant and soothing for 90% of the babies who come in to be photographed. And all of the parents who have watched me use it go out of the studio with it inside their Amazon Basket!

I honestly don’t think my newborn photoshoots would go just as smoothly without it.  But that along with a warm temperature and relaxing atmosphere in the studio really helps to soothe babies into a deep slumber.

Do white noise machines help babies sleep?

Trying to get your baby to take a long nap or sleep during a couple of hours at night can be challenging. While babies and parents adapt to a routine, there are many tips and tricks to calm your little one. White noise machines are one of the tools you can use to achieve it, but how do they work, and are they helpful? Well, we are about to discover it.

Importance of sleep for babies.

Newborns can sleep around 15 to 18 hours per day, in periods of 2 to 3 hours. It is crucial for them during the first few months to get enough hours of sleep; many development processes happen at that time.

In the following month’s your baby will sleep in periods of 4 to 5 hours. These are all average estimations, and each baby is unique. But you want to make sure your bundle of joy sleeps well. If not, you will notice! Signs such as fussiness and crying without apparent reason will begin.

My daughter was and still is the worst if she does not get enough sleep at night. She becomes very crabbit! (A good old Scottish word that one)

What is white noise?

Sound waves are measured with frequency and amplitude. Frequency refers to how fast waves vibrate per second, and amplitude is the size of the waves. The relation between those two concepts defines the colour of sound.

According to the Sleep Foundation, the white sound is composed by every frequency a human is capable of hearing played in random order at the same amplitude. The result is a “shh” sound that we can relate to television and radio static.

Why is it helpful for babies to sleep?

When your baby is developing in the womb, noises surround them. From your heartbeat to the multiple sounds of the digestive system and even your blood rushing through your veins. Your baby can also hear the noises from outside, like voices and loud music, among others.

Once your baby is born, silence might feel strange. Contrary to what many parents believe, a newborn will enjoy a little noise in the background, helping to fight the anxiety of leaving the womb. Having a white noise machine can set a calming atmosphere, where other noises like older siblings or the regular house sounds are covered.

In general, white noise is helpful even for the parents because it can help your baby take a long nap while you rest or go around the house without worrying about waking your little one while going about your daily activities.

While most newborns enjoy white sounds, but some do not and have difficulty getting enough sleep hours while listening to them. Do a quick test with your phone; make sure you set it a correct distance from your baby’s cot and keep the volume down to see how it works.

Look for a machine with many options.

If your baby is falling asleep quicker with white noise than without it, it is time to do your research and buy the right one.

Many parents use their laptops or smartphone, but it would be best if you buy a white noise machine with plenty of features. Here are some examples:

  • Find one that is lightweight and portable. They can be easily packed for a vacation or a night at grand
  • A timer is another great feature; you can program it to turn it off at a specific time automatically. Looping to keep transitions smooth and prevent your little one from waking up when one sound ends. 
  • Variety of sounds is another great characteristic to look for. Perhaps your baby enjoys white noise one night and other rain sounds or birds at a different time
  • Alarm, maybe you need your baby to wake up at a particular hour, and playing sounds to prepare him for the bright new day might be a good idea. 
  • Sound control will let you set the correct noise needed. During the day, you will need it to be higher and at night low. Remember that you should avoid putting it to the maximum. 

Use it while necessary.

An important fact to keep in mind is that while white noise is a helpful resource, it should be used for a limited time. Having it all day can be confusing for your child. And making a constant routine where white noise becomes a necessity could keep your baby from learning how to sleep by himself.

It is entirely normal for a newborn to wake up every couple of hours because other needs must be fulfilled, such as feeding and nappy changes. By the time your baby reaches six months, you can expect longer naps and increasing hours of continuous sleep during the nights.

But at some point, you must let your baby learn how to sleep through the night without help. You can build a bedtime routine that includes winding down a couple of hours before going to bed, taking a warm bath, reading a book, or singing a lullaby. Having consistent sleeping schedules will also help.

Always keep in mind that technology is here to help us, and if we use it the right way, we can benefit from it. Remember that sleeping habits need work and consistency to succeed. White noise machines are suitable to get you through the first months of life when discomfort, building routines, and long nights take you to exhaustion.

Do your homework, read many reviews, and find the white noise machine that suits all your needs.

If you are planning on having a newborn photo-shoot for your little one and would like some more information, just get in touch, and I would love to have a chat with you about what you’re looking for.

Paula x

Breastfeeding is a fantastic gift. It nourishes your child, helps you bond, and even has benefits for your own health. No wonder it’s recommended, if you can, to breastfeed at least for the first six months of life, when possible. 

But even if we instinctively are prepared to breastfeed, it’s not always an easy ride. If you are unsure about breastfeeding or need to remember why you are trying so hard (for some of us) to breastfeeding your child, here are some interesting facts to encourage you and even surprise you. 

1. Breastfeeding Requires Energy

Producing milk requires around 25% of your body’s energy; your brain needs only 20% of your energy to function. This means that depending on your diet, an increase of 500 daily calories is required. And that means weight loss!!

2. The First Days After Birth Your Produce Colostrum

Some new mothers are surprised when they notice that their milk does not look like they imagined. Colostrum is your first milk, a unique nutritious liquid that you will only produce during the early days after birth. It protects your baby’s intestinal tract with a combination of proteins, calcium, minerals, and those all-important antibodies.

3. Breastmilk Adapts To Your Baby’s Needs

Our bodies are amazing. The milk you produce will satisfy the specific needs of your baby. If you have a newborn, nutrients will vary from the milk a mother of a 9-month-old. It also adapts to hydrate your baby during the day and across seasons, which means that your milk will have a more significant proportion of water during the summer.

4. Breastmilk Provides Immunity

One of the most important facts about breastfeeding is the role that it plays in protecting your baby. Through your milk, white blood cells make their way to your baby bloodstream to help them fight infections. If your baby becomes sick, the number of those cells will increase.

In the first year of life, immune factors are higher, but your toddler will receive higher Lysozyme levels by the second year of breastfeeding. This antimicrobial enzyme protects from salmonella, E. coli and promotes a healthy intestinal flora.

5. Breastmilk Exposes Your Baby To New Flavours

Your diet can change the taste and smell of milk. Ideally, you should consume healthy and diverse food. Exposing your baby to new flavours will help them accept food when you introduce solids, and the probabilities of having a picky eater can decrease.

So if you believed that a balanced diet was only necessary during pregnancy, it’s equally important to look after your body and provide quality milk to your newborn while nursing.

Young beautiful naked mom breastfeeding hugging her newborn baby smiling sitting on bed at home. Copy space.

6. Breastfeeding And Hormones

Many hormones come into the picture while you breastfeed. Some help you bond with your baby and ease anxiety, like prolactin and oxytocin. Serotonin makes your baby sleepy. Others like thyroxin help your baby intestine to mature.

7. There Are Benefits For Mums Too

Breastfeeding can be challenging and exhausting. You have probably read the many ways your baby will benefit from breastmilk, but did you know your chances of developing breast cancer, heart disease, ovarian cancer, stroke, and osteoporosis decrease? And the longer you breastfeed, the higher the benefits.

Nursing mums also recover from postpartum quicker; their uterus will return to its pre-pregnancy size faster than non-breastfeeding mums. It also helps reduce postpartum blood loss.

8. One Breast Produces More Than The Other

Statistically, a women’s right breast will produce more milk than the left breast, even if left-handed. Uneven production has many reasons, but it is not something to worry about. Perhaps milk ducts are larger on one breast, surgeries and injuries also affect production. Your babies preference for one breast can also be the cause.

If your baby feels more comfortable on one breast, it will trigger a higher production and leave the other unattended and cut back production.
And did you know that your baby only removes less than 70% of the available milk from each breast? So do not stress about emptying your breast each time you feed your baby. Your baby will let you know when they are full and have had enough.

9. Size Does Not Matter!

There is a common assumption that bigger breasts mean higher milk production, but that is not true. The size of your breast does not determine how much milk you produce. The amount of milk you produce depends more on your baby’s demand than the size of your breast. The more milk your baby drinks, the more production your body will release.

And now that we are talking about size, having implants also does not affect your milk production or breastfeeding possibilities. Breast implants are usually placed under the chest muscles, behind the milk glands, which keeps milk production possible.

10. Breastfeeding Saves You Money And Time

Perhaps you have not thought about it, but breastmilk is free, kind of. You need “fuel” to produce it, but you already eat every day! The cost of formula and bottles can cost a small fortune in the first year of life, depending on the brand you choose. And needless to say, the amount of time that is cut out in sterilizing bottles is incredible.  

Just pop your baby on the breast anytime and anywhere.

In The End

There are many reasons to consider trying breastfeeding, and although there are so many benefits, many mothers can not breastfeed. It’s not for everyone; it can be painful, stressful, or not adapt to your lifestyle.

I personally couldn’t breastfeed. I was lucky enough in the beginning to give my daughter colostrum, but after that, I panicked. I was terrified she would starve. And I think that the stress did not help, feeling pressure to try and produce milk to feed her.
I felt a failure because I could not provide her with all the natural goodness contained in breastmilk.
But on the plus side, it did give my husband a chance to bond with her early on too. Allowing him the opportunity to feed her at an early age and give me a little rest at the same time.
So I guess there are benefits in each system.

But if you can do it, and for some mothers, it just happens naturally. Remember that it is recommended to breastfeed exclusively for the first six months of life and continue with solids and breastmilk, preferably for two years. But everyone’s lifestyles are different. We are all unique, and you should decide according to you, and your babies need.

At my studio in Lanarkshire, Glasgow, I have the perfect environment for you to have some beautiful newborn portraits while having the opportunity to breastfeed in a relaxing and private space.

If you are interested in capturing the special milestones in your babies first year, get in touch and ask away with any questions that you have.  I would love to hear from you,

Paula x

Full length portrait of a happy young african family with their little son standing together isolated over white background

Have you ever noticed that you start smiling while looking at all the moments you captured when you browse through your smartphone photos? Well, something similar happens when we display our pictures around the house.

Technology has made it easy for us to take pictures and store them, but we have forgotten the importance of printing and displaying them. And there is great importance behind showcasing our favourite family pictures.

Psychology researchers found that family portraits play a crucial role in the sense of belonging that a child develops. They need to know where their family comes from and what is their place in the world.

Photography is a way of treasuring specific moments, events, and milestones. We love to sit and look at our parents’ pictures; we learn more about their love story, childhood, and why they became who they are now. Pictures show who we are and where we have been.

The benefits of family portraits go even further. If you ever find yourself facing problems in your life, looking at a photograph of a happy moment with your family can change how you feel and give you a sense of gratitude.

When Children Feel Unsure

When a child feels left out at school or like no one understands them, seeing themselves surrounded by his family will help change how they feel at home. Sometimes all we need is a tiny reminder of how much love we have around us.

Hanging family portraits in the children’s room is the best way to boost their self-esteem and remind them that they have a loving and supporting family. Having a beautiful photo of your family as the last image you see before going to bed and the first when beginning the day is the perfect way to remind you of the people that genuinely love you.

Family portraits are also a great form to keep family members that are far from us close. Sometimes children do not get to see their grandparents or uncles and aunts because they live further away. Having them around the house teaches your child that they have an extended family that loves and cares for him.
It’s also the one regret that many people have. They look back and wish they had a portrait of their treasured family members to look back on when there gone.

As Children Grow

As children grow, they sometimes become self-conscious about their appearance. When they become familiar with seeing themselves in pictures that everyone can look at, their confidence grows. It helps them accept who they are because they can see that they belong to a family with a particular hair and eye colour.

There you go; if you were searching for a reason to book a family portrait photoshoot and find beautiful frames to hang around your home, you found that reason. Family pictures are beautiful pieces of art that we look back on with love, and they remind us how lucky we are to have such a beautiful family.

If you would like to find out more about my family photography just click the button below to get in touch, I would love to hear all about your own beautiful family,

Paula x

A Fairy Photoshoot Glasgow

What little girl does not love to dress up and run around dreaming of magic! Well, here at our studio in Glasgow, Blantyre, we make that dream come true. This magical set was created to make the dreams of little girls and little boys come alive with a fantastic magical fairy and elf adventure photoshoot.

The Set

A Fairy Photoshoot In Glasgow

I love to see the faces of the parents and children as they enter the studio. I often hear gasps of disbelief at how magical the set looks.
Many of the parents comment on how they would have loved something like this when they were little. And who could blame them….
Stepping into the studio transports you into a world where the fairy magic lives. With a fairy swing, bridge, toadstools, and much, much more. This magical experience takes their imagination to a different level!

Magic Happens

At our studio in Lanarkshire Glasgow, our fairy and elf photoshoots are beautiful to watch.
Children who can be a little shy start to open up and start moving around the studio. There is just so much to see that curiosity takes over, and they can’t resist having a little look!
Watching them start to play in the set creates beautiful natural images, and then they become immersed in the magic. Shouting out, looking for fairies and elves flying around the studio.
And that’s why it’s such fun to photograph all these little fairies and elves; no-one has to convince them that they have to take part.
Giving them a little time to allow their imagination and curiosity to take over, works a treat, and then the fun begins!

What Do I Need To Bring?

You don’t need to bring anything at all. All costumes are provided for the photoshoot; you don’t have to worry about bringing anything with you, only your excitement and imagination.
The only thing to think about is your little fairy’s hair. If your little fairy has long hair, then some lovely curls would work great.
And as we have lots of fairy crowns, it works best if all the fairies have their hair down and not in any bobbles, ponytails, etc.

We often run competitions to win a fairy shoot. If you would like to know when that happens, join our mailing list to be in with a chance.
Or, if you would like to get your little one booked in for our next fairy adventure weekend, then get in touch using the button below.