Does White Noise Devices Help Babies Sleep?

When I’m photographing in the studio, I use a white noise machine called a Baby Shusher, which is small and easy to move around with the baby. I would say that it’s brilliant and soothing for 90% of the babies who come in to be photographed. And all of the parents who have watched me use it go out of the studio with it inside their Amazon Basket!

I honestly don’t think my newborn photoshoots would go just as smoothly without it.  But that along with a warm temperature and relaxing atmosphere in the studio really helps to soothe babies into a deep slumber.

Do white noise machines help babies sleep?

Trying to get your baby to take a long nap or sleep during a couple of hours at night can be challenging. While babies and parents adapt to a routine, there are many tips and tricks to calm your little one. White noise machines are one of the tools you can use to achieve it, but how do they work, and are they helpful? Well, we are about to discover it.

Importance of sleep for babies.

Newborns can sleep around 15 to 18 hours per day, in periods of 2 to 3 hours. It is crucial for them during the first few months to get enough hours of sleep; many development processes happen at that time.

In the following month’s your baby will sleep in periods of 4 to 5 hours. These are all average estimations, and each baby is unique. But you want to make sure your bundle of joy sleeps well. If not, you will notice! Signs such as fussiness and crying without apparent reason will begin.

My daughter was and still is the worst if she does not get enough sleep at night. She becomes very crabbit! (A good old Scottish word that one)

What is white noise?

Sound waves are measured with frequency and amplitude. Frequency refers to how fast waves vibrate per second, and amplitude is the size of the waves. The relation between those two concepts defines the colour of sound.

According to the Sleep Foundation, the white sound is composed by every frequency a human is capable of hearing played in random order at the same amplitude. The result is a “shh” sound that we can relate to television and radio static.

Why is it helpful for babies to sleep?

When your baby is developing in the womb, noises surround them. From your heartbeat to the multiple sounds of the digestive system and even your blood rushing through your veins. Your baby can also hear the noises from outside, like voices and loud music, among others.

Once your baby is born, silence might feel strange. Contrary to what many parents believe, a newborn will enjoy a little noise in the background, helping to fight the anxiety of leaving the womb. Having a white noise machine can set a calming atmosphere, where other noises like older siblings or the regular house sounds are covered.

In general, white noise is helpful even for the parents because it can help your baby take a long nap while you rest or go around the house without worrying about waking your little one while going about your daily activities.

While most newborns enjoy white sounds, but some do not and have difficulty getting enough sleep hours while listening to them. Do a quick test with your phone; make sure you set it a correct distance from your baby’s cot and keep the volume down to see how it works.

Look for a machine with many options.

If your baby is falling asleep quicker with white noise than without it, it is time to do your research and buy the right one.

Many parents use their laptops or smartphone, but it would be best if you buy a white noise machine with plenty of features. Here are some examples:

  • Find one that is lightweight and portable. They can be easily packed for a vacation or a night at grand
  • A timer is another great feature; you can program it to turn it off at a specific time automatically. Looping to keep transitions smooth and prevent your little one from waking up when one sound ends. 
  • Variety of sounds is another great characteristic to look for. Perhaps your baby enjoys white noise one night and other rain sounds or birds at a different time
  • Alarm, maybe you need your baby to wake up at a particular hour, and playing sounds to prepare him for the bright new day might be a good idea. 
  • Sound control will let you set the correct noise needed. During the day, you will need it to be higher and at night low. Remember that you should avoid putting it to the maximum. 

Use it while necessary.

An important fact to keep in mind is that while white noise is a helpful resource, it should be used for a limited time. Having it all day can be confusing for your child. And making a constant routine where white noise becomes a necessity could keep your baby from learning how to sleep by himself.

It is entirely normal for a newborn to wake up every couple of hours because other needs must be fulfilled, such as feeding and nappy changes. By the time your baby reaches six months, you can expect longer naps and increasing hours of continuous sleep during the nights.

But at some point, you must let your baby learn how to sleep through the night without help. You can build a bedtime routine that includes winding down a couple of hours before going to bed, taking a warm bath, reading a book, or singing a lullaby. Having consistent sleeping schedules will also help.

Always keep in mind that technology is here to help us, and if we use it the right way, we can benefit from it. Remember that sleeping habits need work and consistency to succeed. White noise machines are suitable to get you through the first months of life when discomfort, building routines, and long nights take you to exhaustion.

Do your homework, read many reviews, and find the white noise machine that suits all your needs.

If you are planning on having a newborn photo-shoot for your little one and would like some more information, just get in touch, and I would love to have a chat with you about what you’re looking for.

Paula x

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